Maybe some of you already know this, then again some of you might not. To all of those who don't know i ask, are you ready to find out the dark inspiration behind our favorite Disney movies?
What would happen if you found out that the stories we've grown so fondly to were actually meant to be told in a entirely different way. A dark way. What would happen if Eric didn't end up marrying Ariel or if Aurora wasn't awoken my a sweet kiss from her prince. What if there were no happy endings?
The little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Rapunzel among others were not written originally by Walt Disney. They were written by Charles Perrault, the German Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen. Reader beware, their stories may cause use goosebumps. Each story is creepier than the other.
1. Sleeping Beauty

One of the creepiest tales is the one of Sleeping Beauty. In the original version Aurora was not awoken by tender kisses from her sweet prince. The reason behind her eyes opening was due to her giving birth to twins, one boy and one girl. Their names were Sun and Luna. One of the babies suckled on her finger, removing the splinter which ended the curse, and woke the princess from her slumber.
So how did Sleeping Beauty end up being pregnant? Yup. You guessed it. One day a Prince stumbled across what he thought was an empty castle only to find a sleeping maiden. He tried to wake her up but no matter what he tried, she remained in a deep slumber. So he takes advantage of her and rapes her.
The prince returns to the castle only to find that the princess is a awake and she is not alone, Luna and Sun are with her. The prince was overjoyed. He told Thalia (Sleeping Beauty name in this version) who he was and how he knew her and what had happened. So Thalia and the prince end up falling in love. If rape isn't a red flag i don't know what is.
But that's not the worst part. The prince is married. And of course his wife has to find out about this bizarre affair. She is set on getting revenge and ends up setting a chef to cook Thalia's infants. Thankfully the cook takes mercy on the babies and decides to kill a goat instead.
So the prince, Thalia and the kids run off together and live happily ever after. Oh yeah and they get married too. There's and even creepier version where Sleeping Beauty's rapist is her own father.

One of the creepiest tales is the one of Sleeping Beauty. In the original version Aurora was not awoken by tender kisses from her sweet prince. The reason behind her eyes opening was due to her giving birth to twins, one boy and one girl. Their names were Sun and Luna. One of the babies suckled on her finger, removing the splinter which ended the curse, and woke the princess from her slumber.
So how did Sleeping Beauty end up being pregnant? Yup. You guessed it. One day a Prince stumbled across what he thought was an empty castle only to find a sleeping maiden. He tried to wake her up but no matter what he tried, she remained in a deep slumber. So he takes advantage of her and rapes her.
The prince returns to the castle only to find that the princess is a awake and she is not alone, Luna and Sun are with her. The prince was overjoyed. He told Thalia (Sleeping Beauty name in this version) who he was and how he knew her and what had happened. So Thalia and the prince end up falling in love. If rape isn't a red flag i don't know what is.
But that's not the worst part. The prince is married. And of course his wife has to find out about this bizarre affair. She is set on getting revenge and ends up setting a chef to cook Thalia's infants. Thankfully the cook takes mercy on the babies and decides to kill a goat instead.
So the prince, Thalia and the kids run off together and live happily ever after. Oh yeah and they get married too. There's and even creepier version where Sleeping Beauty's rapist is her own father.
The little mermaid is one of the saddest tales. She really did give it all for love. Ariel lays eyes on a human prince and just like in Disney's version, it is love at first sight. For her anyway. She first sees Eric on a boat which ends up splitting in half. Titanic ll? Ariel rescues the prince from drowning and basically stalks him every following day.
The human world is fascinating to the little mermaid and she wishes to be part of it. So she makes it possible by visiting the sea witch. Familiar so far right? Well here is were things get interesting. The sea witch gave the little mermaid a potion that would turn her fish tail into a pair of human legs. But beware said the witch, each step you take will be like walking on razor sharp swords. The little mermaid didn't mind for she was deeply in love with the prince, she would do anything for him. Even abandon her sister's and father. If she were to drink the potion she could never return to her family. She could never again be a mermaid.
As the story goes nothing is free. Ariel had a lovely voice and it was to be used as payment. But the way the sea witch obtains it is not rated G. Stick out you're tongue child she said, and so the little mermaid did. Chop chop chop!
So the voiceless mermaid sets of in hopes of finding her prince. Not only must she find him but she must also marry him. If someone else were to marry him she would die the day after. And what do you know? He does marry another princess but only because he believes this is the girl who saved him from drowning. Ariel has no voice so she cannot tell him the truth.
Ariel's sister's appear in the ocean and tell her that they have sold their hair to the sea witch. They have found a way for her to live. In exchange for their hair they have received a sharp knife. Ariel must kill her sweet prince with this knife inserting it right through his heart. Ariel loves her prince so much that she'd rather die than kill the man she loves. So she dies and turns into sea foam.
3. Cinderella
Cinderella was a very humble person. When her father went away on a trip he asked her what she wanted him to bring her. Cinderella asked only for a branch from a hazel bush while her step sisters asked for beautiful dresses, jewels and gold.
She planted the branch her father gave her on top of her mother's graves. She would water it with her tears. The branch became a beautiful tree. Cinderella didn't exactly have a fairy godmother, she had a pretty white bird. It would appear at the tree every time she wished for something and it would bring her anything she wished for.
In the Grimm brothers version of Cinderella there was no glass slipper, it was actually a gold slipper. Like in the Disney version the prince searched high and low to find the owner of the slipper but he really didn't do a good job. He was easily fooled.
Cinderella's stepsisters cut off pieces of there feet just so they could fit into the shoe. One of the sister's cut of the heel of her foot and the other cut of her big toe. So apparently what we have here are two gold diggers who really want to marry the prince.
Since the shoe did fit the stepsisters the prince really did believe each girl was in fact Cinderella but as soon as he would put the girls upon his horse the birds would notify the prince of the scam they tried to pull off. Due to the cutting of the foot, the girls would bleed and when the prince noticed the blood it was game over for those two.
It took a while but finally the prince found the rightful owner of the shoe, Cinderella. And he double checked for blood, just in case.
The prince and Cinderella wedded. Cinderella's step sisters attended the wedding with hopes of getting her good fortune. Pigeons decided to punish them for there wrong doing and left the sisters forever blind.